Women’s Fellowship

We support a variety of bible studies, get-togethers, mission projects,  and interest groups for the women of our church family to meet for fellowship and the sharing of common interests in a Christian setting. All women are always welcome and encouraged to bring a friend.


Fellowship, inspiration, and service!

Women’s Fellowship Meeting
Third Fridays, 9:00 AM, Fireside Room
Drop-Ins always welcome!


in the Church



We have hosted an All-Church event depicting life together at FHPC. All ministries and committees were represented providing an opportunity to share their efforts.  
Women’s Sunday
In January, we host “Women’s Sunday,” celebrating the involvement of women in our church and in fulfilling our mission.
 In March 2023 we hosted a Tea & Luncheon with the theme Renew, Refresh, Reconnect. Our program, Stiches In Time highlighted a few women in history.
Click HERE to check for upcoming events.


Jane Allen packing two cars with Easter baskets for the children!

Women’s Fellowship collect Easter Baskets for the children at Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health. Last year we delivered 54 baskets!

The delivery welcomed by the staff at Devereux.

Women’s Bible Study Circles

All women are encouraged to attend one or more circles.

Please check The Weekly or the FHPC Calendar to verify meeting.

Morning Circle

Afternoon Circle

Evening Circle

2023-24 Study
The Women of the Bible Speak
Shannon Bream
Second Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. 
Monique Reynolds
Phone: 336-382-8733
2022-23 Study
Sacred Encounters
Rev. Olive Mahabir
Third Mondays at 6:00 p.m. in the Adult Center.
Judy Hamouda
Phone: 480-215-0827
2023-24 Study
The Genius of Jesus
Erwin Raphael McManus
First Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Library.
Jane Allen
Phone:  907-538-3223

Interests Groups

Out ‘n About

Ladies Drop In

Lunch & Lectures

We’re Out ‘n About – Out to Lunch at a local restaurant on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, year-round, for fellowship and good food! Break bread and chat with your Christian sisters! Click here to check the calendar for upcoming location and time.
Nancy Wulfmeier
Every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon, September – May, the women of FHPC gather for fellowship, board games, puzzles, cards and conversation in the Fireside Room. Join us! Click here to check the calendar for upcoming meetings.
Maria Berry
Linda Warren Katz
Women’s Fellowship hosts a series of video lectures on Saturdays at Noon in the Fireside Room. Click here to check the calendar for upcoming lectures
Maria Berry

Recommended Reading List

A new reading list is complied by Presbyterian Women each year with high quality fiction and non-fiction books that are available in the FHPC library.
Check it out —  Click HERE Now!