Communications Ministry

The Church and Communications
Effective communication is crucial for calling people towards ministry and achieving the goals of a congregation.

Consistent communication helps to keep people informed about ministry programs, initiatives, activities, service projects, and events which supports our Vision of “Growing in love for God and others we make disciples for Jesus” and our Mission to “Love God—Love People—Make Disciples.”

If you have news to share or an upcoming event to promote, the Communications Team is here to help. We suggest you start communicating with us the moment you start talking about it in your ministry teams. Once it goes on the church calendar … come talk to us! We will gladly work with you to develop a strong communications strategy.

Who Are We?
What Do We Need?

Communication Team includes:

 – Johannah Fernandez, Admin Coordinator
 – Jackie Miles, Outreach Elder
 – Jeff Rand, Elder (2025)

To share and grow ideas, the Team is looking for individuals to join the Communication Committee.

We are open to new members who can offer ideas and differing perspectives to improve communications.
For Communications to develop the effective content for any type of communication, consider what you want to convey by answering the 5 W’s and H questions— Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? 
A picture is worth a thousand words. Complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by an image more effectively than a mere verbal description.

Submit a photo to enhance an article or sometimes a photo alone is enough to get the point across. All photos should include the full names of those pictured and the name of the photographer.
When Do We Need It & Where To Send It
The deadline for submissions to the Communications Team is Tuesdays by 3 p.m. The exception is submissions for the In Touch monthly newsletter. Articles for the In Touch are due by the 15th of the month.
All correspondence should be sent by email to Sending to this email address automatically forwards your submission to inform the entire Communications Team. The appropriate team member will take action – no need to decide who needs to be informed.
How Do We Communicate

The Communications Ministry reaches the congregation (internally) and our community (externally) by using a variety of tools and media (traditional and digital) to inspire, inform, and invite participation in the life, mission, and purposes of the Church.

Internal Communications

Order of Worship

The Communications Ministry creates the Order of Worship or “script” for Sunday worship services with input from the pastor, music director and pianist. We share it via a worship eblast on Saturdays and upload it to FHPC’s website at: Congregants can view or print the Order of Worship from either source.
Minute for Ministry
Have an important message to share during worship service? The Communications Ministry will insure that you are added to the OOW or have your message included Pastor’s announcements. Including a supporting slide or video is optional.

The Weekly

Each Thursday, the Communications Ministry electronically distributes news about our church, upcoming events, and spiritual and social opportunities via The Weekly email. All ministries and committees are encourage to share their news.

Readers often scan newsletters for exciting ideas and relevant information rather than reading from start to end. To catch the reader’s attention:


Please note that we generally do not run and article more that 3 weeks.

In Touch Newsletter

The Communications Ministry creates a monthly newsletter, In Touch, with more in-depth articles written by church leaders as well as updates on church ministries. 

External Communications

Press Releases

The Communications Team writes articles and packages them with photos and graphics for submission to the Fountain Hills Times as well as the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. In addition, we post the date(s) of event(s) on the Times and Chamber calendars.

Press releases submitted to the Times by Friday noon will be published in the following Wednesday’s print edition; the Chamber’s deadline is Friday noon for publication in the following Monday’s newsletter. The Communications Team appreciate as much lead time as possible to draft an article, but no later than Tuesdays by 3 p.m.

Advertising and Graphics Design

The Communications Team helps develop and coordinate creative projects or publicity campaigns for church events and community involvement with regard to print, web & multi-media advertising. We can help with ministry campaigns, graphic designs, videos, posters, flyers, banners, and newspaper ads. Be sure and give us as much time as possible to help you with your events … even if it’s down the road. If you have any questions about a particular job, or how it should be done, please consult with us.

Digital Communications
Audiovisual Support

The Communications Ministry provides audiovisual support for both in-person worship and our online livestream. We also provide audiovisual support for memorial services and special events in the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Center.
We will engage contracted personnel to operate the audiovisual equipment during services and events as needed.

OOW Slides: Each week the Communications Ministry develops slides that mirror the Order of Worship (OOW). Slides are projected on screens to help congregants follow along during service.

Announcement Slides: Additionally, we create announcement slides for upcoming events and initiatives for pre-worship viewing. We also accommodate special requests for slides or videos to support guest speakers, liturgical events or church initiatives for use throughout the worship service.

Website and Social Media

The Communications Ministry manages the Church’s website ( and social networking presence — Facebook page and YouTube channel — by ensuring that pertinent and prominent information about ministry events are routinely shared and updated. Any updates or changes to your Ministry should be submitted to or by clicking HERE.