Elementary Youth Ministries

Pre-K to Grade 5

Imagine More for Families:
Kids encountering God; as well as learning about Him. Holy habits opening a child to God’s healing graces from within (soul training): not “trying harder” to merely change external behavior or to serve the kingdom of self. Home being supported & resourced by the faith community, giving kids life mentoring and busy parents the support they need.
Sunday School

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church offers Sunday School for children during our Worship Service at 9:00 a.m. under the direction of Jeanette Simmons.
Wednesday Afternoon Children’s Program
Movement & Music!
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church offers a Wednesday Afternoon Children’s Program from 4:15-5:30 p.m. under the direction of Deb Fisher, a teacher with many years’ experience. FHPC is  welcoming, encouraging; inclusive in our efforts to bring love and openness to our young community.
Parents are welcome to stay and observe – even
participate!  There are no fees; however, donations are appreciated. Call the office at 480-837-1763 or call/text Debbie Fisher, Music Director and Coordinator at 480-688-0828 to register your child.